New & Old drawing styles

this is the second attemp of mine to draw with tablets
i am drawing my character "lynx" who is a bounty hunter using twin hand gun
but it then evolves into my permanent drawing style
therefore nowadays i named this drawing style which i developed years ago "lynx drawing style"
to celebrate me remembering a character i designed during last millenium
year 1998-1999(sometimes over there)
although most of the character of mine dont have a name; and some have but its hard to remember; some even appear once and fades in the history, as i have the habit of drawing different character each time (which is my strength as well as my weakness)
nowadays i had designed a character that i draw very often though
i like her very much with some anyonmous reason
she was planned to be named "Miki" but she is named "Milky" instead
because not to get confused with one of my friend's nick :)
judge on the name itself, i guess u know roughly about her traits ady
maybe i shall scan her into internet?
by the way, today Cheetah_cub (whom i address as cubbie and sifu)
are kind enough to give me a tutorial/ workshop of how she draw bishounens
and then she say i can survive with myself, if i practice drawing refering to the good artist as "role models"
"very well, u even add in ur own style; i have nothing much to teach ady"
and then she vanished like most of the Grand Master do.
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