Well, this is a tutorial i planned to do it for quite a long time ady ^____^
enjoy ur lesson
Start Drawing!! XD

1- First, draw a puppet-like joint to shape ur character’s legs (use it just for guidelines). Note that the ankle part is slimmer compare to the thigh part. The distance of ankle to the knee joint is equal to the distance from knee to the thigh joint.

2- Note that the joints of the hip, knee and ankle is shown as blue dots at the picture. Their position is not perfectly center.

3- Link the bones together and u will see the bone structure. This is to guide u from drawing the legs off-proportion.

4- Then, start drawing the curves of the leg muscle’s anatomy on top of the puppet-like guidelines.

5- Clean out the sketches and u will have a clean looking leg anatomy. Note that the proportion for outer muscle should be around 60% of the length of the limb, while the inner muscle should be around 50%. More or less than that will look ugly.

6- Note that different part of the legs have different curves. Therefore, curve it so that the texture looks realistic. (the arrows shows how things are curved)
Some Example on how u can pose ur characterA- When foot is pointing straight forward
B- The foot is open outwards (a typical “man’s pose”)
C- The foot is closing inwards
Sitting with Crossed Leg1- This is the top view of a girl sitting
2- She lifts up her right leg. (Note that her left leg closed to the center line)
3- And then she put it on top of her left leg.
4- Both of her leg is at the center.
5- Front view of the pose (Most commonly seen angle)